Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Is a blog star born?

I am about to embark on the blogging train wagon and it has me somewhat perplexed.
Is blogging characteristically an extrovert activity?
Is a blog star born, or can anyone be successful at blogging.
And what makes a good blog anyway?
Is it a formula or a method or just luck?
It’s obvious …
A successful blogger must capture the interest of their reader you say.
But how can anyone have something interesting to say everyday?
It has me baffled…

Pssst. Here’s my secret
I have a favorite blog. I’ve been reading it pretty religiously for several weeks now.
I've even gone back and read her archived blogs.
Does that mean I have a blog crush?
This is all unbeknownst to her, the writer.
She has no idea who I am, yet I feel as though I know a lot about her.
Her likes, dislikes, frustrations, daily activities and more.
It feels strange; unequal in some weird way, maybe a bit voyeuristic.
Would it seem more appropriate if I emailed her to let her know,
hey I read about you every day?
I wonder if other people feel the same way?

1 comment:

The Noisy Plume said...

There is no formula!
There is no luck!
There is just yourself and your words:)
You'll do fine -- now fly!