Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This week is not turning out to be quite as wondrous as I had hoped.
I am so bummed. My camera broke yesterday.
I've become quite attached to it.
Of course I need it to take pics of my jewelry.
But I've also gotten in the habit of
just carrying it around to shoot at whatever amazing thing
happens to cross my path.
Beyond that I'm meeting with an accountant about my taxes,
and I must admit I am Not
a very good bookkeeper so I procrastinate to the umpteenth degree.
Oh , yes and then there's the dreaded the foot surgery
I'm having on Friday...
One that will keep me off my foot for 6 weeks. Yikes.
The higher powers way of saying slow down? Perhaps.

Sadie is a little worried about the challenges we face this week too.
She's on her guard watching over me as she does so vigilantly.
We will prevail .
That's for sure .
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to mislead you.
I do have so much in my life to be exceedingly thankful for.

Here's just one of them. My son Johno.

and then there's these two. My superhero's...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Treasuries

Happy, Happy Monday all.
Normally Monday's start out sort of slow for me,
but not today.
Today ~ I came out of the Monday gate with a bang.
I've been featured in not "one" but "two" treasuries this morning.
That's a first for me and it's ever so exciting!!!!!

That's me, second row middle.

Thank you OhFaro for including me. You can find her beautiful shop here...

That's me, second row last one on the right.

Thank you, Katheryn for including me.
You can find her most delicious flavored coffee here...

Friday, February 20, 2009

It's Friday and it looks as though it's going to be a beautiful day here on the coast. There's evidence that spring is peaking its delicious head up from the thaw. I saw these wild periwinkle lupine growing on the side of Hwy 1, and had to pull over to take a picture so I could show you just how close spring is looming.
I hope to finish my work early so I can enjoy it and take a bike ride.
Maybe I'll hit the bluffs.

Wild Lupine

These are blooming right outside my front door.
I think they are a type of Daisy? Hmm not really sure.

I am reminded of how much beauty surrounds me if only
I would remember more often to look up and breathe it in.

Speaking of work....
Here's what I listed today.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Just got back from an emergency run to pick up some ant traps. It would seem that the rain has caused the ants to want to make my home their home. I'm pretty easy going but when the entire swarm showed up and thought they would take over my kitchen well... I had to do something. After I laid the traps I watched to see if these little creatures would march into the traps like the package claimed. But they didn't seem to want anything to do with that. The invasion is beginning to wane but I'm wondering... if it’s more a case of them spreading word through the antvine that it’s time to move on. We have outlived our welcome. I wonder.
Anyway, I summoned up a few new pieces last night in my studio. Well it's really my garage but doesn't studio sound so much better? The pieces I created are actually more like some of my older pieces. By older I mean pre-etsy, pre obsession. I've been struggling a bit trying to squeeze myself into a mold. One that doesn't fit very well, the mold of consistency. It would seem that most of designers on Etsy (and elsewhere) have a particular style. And while I must admit I've tried to have a "particular" style I can't seem to stay with any single style. I'm too schizophrenic for that. My designs are often more in sync with a particular mood rather than a particular style. My tastes are wide ranging and my moods can be all over the map and that's what is reflected in my creative endeavors. Well wherever they come from I just hope someone likes them.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

I wish you a Happy Day Full of everything you Love!
and especially you Carla ~ Have a most Happy Birthday

Friday, February 13, 2009

Here is my newest Score In which I am well pleased

Score! Check it out. I just found this cool toolbox at the local Goodwill for $26.00!
Brand new still in its original box, complete with felt lined drawers to store all my
precious gems and jewels.

I just love the hunt of a bargain,
consignment stores and the garage sale circuit.
Yep, the garage sale circuit is Serious business. If you want to get the "good stuff" one must become a strategist.
First there's the planning stage: I read through all the sales, either in the local newspaper or online, at Craig's list.
Next comes the mapping stage: I determine which garage sales have the items that I'm most interested in. I map out a route accordingly.
Route is determined by a formula:
formula = maximum travel efficiency X's quality of goods offered.
Then there is the execution stage: this requires getting out of bed at the crack of dawn Saturday morning and being at said location as early as possible. Before the hoard of other garage salers pick through all the best stuff. You know the early bird gets the worm and all.
Now you know one of my bargain strategy's, what's yours?

In Love with tool box? Does that make me a tool?