Friday, February 20, 2009

It's Friday and it looks as though it's going to be a beautiful day here on the coast. There's evidence that spring is peaking its delicious head up from the thaw. I saw these wild periwinkle lupine growing on the side of Hwy 1, and had to pull over to take a picture so I could show you just how close spring is looming.
I hope to finish my work early so I can enjoy it and take a bike ride.
Maybe I'll hit the bluffs.

Wild Lupine

These are blooming right outside my front door.
I think they are a type of Daisy? Hmm not really sure.

I am reminded of how much beauty surrounds me if only
I would remember more often to look up and breathe it in.

Speaking of work....
Here's what I listed today.


Unknown said...

That's a really great photo of lupine. You caught the light of the coastside exactly right.

djamesdesigns said...

Jack - Thanks for the compliment and thanks for reading my blog! You must be a coastsider?

My Art and My Soul said...

Your pictures of your jewelry are beautiful also. I am really struggling with the picture taking part of this - I am not a photographer and don't really know much about the camera. I keep trying different settings and lighting so I'm sure something will click soon - sure hope so. Good luck with your surgery, I'll keep you in my thoughts.

djamesdesigns said...

thebearaffair -taking good pictures of my jewelry has been a Very steep learning curve. I think I'm finally beginning to get the hang of it but there were times I just wanted to smash my head against the wall.
Learning the camera settings is helpful, but the easier (auto) settings are sometimes the best.

If there is anything I can do to help please just let me know.